Latest news

enadmin, 18th June 2012

CBAA Women's Rep Anna Wheildon has established a Facebook group for women involved in community broadcasting.

enadmin, 14th June 2012

Tahlia Azaria, Manager of SYN, Melbourne was recently profiled in the Weekend Australian.

enadmin, 12th June 2012

Technorama 2012, to be held in Adelaide on weekend of 28-29 July as part of the 2012 SACBA Conference, is a great opportunity for sharing ideas, experience and solving technical problems unique to the community sector.

enadmin, 7th June 2012

The CBAA Podcast is a regular podcast that looks at what's being discussed in the world of community broadcasting.

enadmin, 1st June 2012

As part of the Sydney Vivid Festival, Eastside Radio presents three nights of live performances.

enadmin, 31st May 2012

The Australia Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Board is proud to present the $50,000 Red Ochre Award, Australia’s highest peer-assessed award for an Indigenous artist, to Western Aranda country musician Warren H Williams for his outstanding contribution to the Indigenous arts.

mwalters_2, 29th May 2012

The Phantom Dancer is a treasure trove of swing, jazz & dance from live 1920s-60s radio & TV, presented by Greg Poppleton from the studios of 2SER in Sydney.

enadmin, 18th May 2012

The WAMi Festival kicks off on Saturday 26 May and culminates on Saturday 2 June with the Northbridge Saturday Spectacular, Awards Ceremony and Closing Party.

enadmin, 17th May 2012

The acclaimed documentary film 'The Curse of the Gothic Symphony' will be screened at Event Cinemas in Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra and Newcastle, telling the story of how Brisbane’s community radio station 4MBS Classic FM played an important part in the 28-year quest to mount a performance of the world’s largest symphony.

enadmin, 2nd May 2012

The first round of the CBOnline - Website Development grants is now open

mwalters_2, 30th April 2012

Produced at 3WBC in Melbourne's Box Hill, Primary Perspectives is an innovative children’s show hosted by young people between 10-13 years, that includes regular monthly segments such as The Veggie Patch, Let's Talk Tech, and Wonderfully Wild.

CBX April 2012 cover

CBAA Web Articles., 28th April 2012

Creating Outside Broadcasts
National Station Census Results
Tiga Bayles On First Nations’ Media
The Multi-platform Future

enadmin, 26th April 2012

South Australian Community Broadcasters Association (SACBA) is the peak body for community broadcasters in South Australia. Since forming in 1983, the SACBA has been actively supporting community radio in South Australia.

enadmin, 12th April 2012

The Community Broadcasting Association is pleased to present the April 2012 content of our national suicide prevention and mental health awareness project, developed with the support of the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing.

enadmin, 12th April 2012

Seth Jordan has been appointed to the CBAA Content Services Manager position.

dchifley_2, 2nd April 2012

The Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) Board recently appointed David Melzer as Vice-President of the Foundation. David has been involved in broadcasting for more than 20 years - as a volunteer, broadcaster, trainer, manager, board member and consultant in the community broadcasting sector and with the ABC. He has worked as a station manager at remote, regional and metropolitan stations serving general, ethnic, Indigenous and specialist music community interests.

mwalters_2, 2nd April 2012

It's a tip of the hat to Tom Parker, presenter of New York Jazz, as the program marks 1000 episodes.

enadmin, 20th March 2012

The inaugural Sydney Reclink Community Cup was played on Sunday 18 March in perfect weather conditions at Henson Park, Marrickville.